Colin Watt
25/03/2024 19:45:33Thanks for the link. It looks like good quality but expensive if bought in bulk.
I was looking for suitable card to cut and join, at a reasonable price.
Don Edward Johnson
25/03/2024 16:49:52Colin: The larger holes - and the larger diameter pipes used for these holes - are to allow a greater flow of air required for the larger bass pipes
BTW - did you have success with the suggested source of card ?
Colin Watt
25/03/2024 16:32:51John Smith 20er Tracker bar
I have started building a 29 note organ to the design at LES ORGUES QUIMPEROIS. Now I notice that there is little music available for it compared to a John Smith 20er so I am considering altering the design to accommodate JS .
I have observed that the three lowest notes on the tracker bar are larger than the rest. Why is this?
Thanks in advance.
Colin Watt
Don Johnson
17/03/2024 17:07:31Colin - A Google search brought up this page:
Colin Watt
16/03/2024 12:33:33Where in the UK can I get card suitable for making cardbooks?
Andy Hinds
03/06/2022 13:32:00Hallo, der Mitgliedsbeitrag für europäische Mitglieder beträgt 35 Euro. Derzeit entspricht dies ungefähr 28 GBP. Der Versand eines Mitgliedschaftspakets kostet 5,5 GBP, ein Newsletter 3,25 GBP. Dies ist mehr als das Doppelte der Kosten für die Post im Inland des Vereinigten Königreichs, und die Kosten werden in den nächsten Monaten wahrscheinlich steigen. Der Rest des europäischen Mitgliedsbeitrags deckt die Schwankung des GBP gegenüber dem Euro, den Druck des Newsletters, die Verwaltungskosten der Gesellschaft und die Veranstaltungskosten. Wir würden unseren europäischen Freunden sicherlich niemals 40 GBP berechnen. (Geschrieben mit Google Translate)
Heinrich Peter Peters
02/06/2022 21:33:42Hallo,
der Jahresbeitrag in UK beträgt 15.00 GBP
Warum muss ich als Europäer 40.00 GBP bezahlen ?
the annual fee in UK is 15.00 GBPWhy do I have to pay GBP 40.00 as a European?Gruss von Heinrich Peter Peters

Jeremy Brice
12/02/2022 12:50:23Hello Peter.
Although this isn't strictly related to hand-turned organs, I will repost it on the BOGA Facebook page where it will get more visibility. Hopefully someone will be able to help you.
Best wishes.
Jeremy Brice - Members Representative.
Peter Perkins
18/01/2022 19:11:20Hi.
Does anyone have any early recordings of the UK Alan Pell 48 keyless organ 'Little Bud'?
This is the only link/picture i could find of it but I believe there was a tape (cassette) available many (20+) years ago.
Thanks Peter
Andy Hinds
03/08/2021 15:00:04Hello Jeremy, Thanks for the comment about emailing the OGN. As Treasurer I am always looking to cut costs wherever possible. The Steering Committee have discussed sending the OGN by email before and have decided against it. A majority, but not all members have an email address and a small minority of those who have supplied one do not wish to be contacted. We therefore have to print a hard copy of the OGN for those without email and so have decided not to email to anyone, using post instead. A minimum print run for the OGN is 250 copies. If we emailed the OGN to the majority, we would be left with a hefty slice of the print run left over. If we were to move to emailing individual copies, it would, for the purpose of posting OGNs to those left, be a logistical nightmare for our posting team. So, Jeremy, many thanks for the suggestion but for the foreseeable you will receive OGN via the post with a 2nd class large letter stamp costing 96p, which is included in your membership fee.